Bjoern Bischoff - Photo and text reports
Bjoern Bischoff - Photo and text reports
With us the customer sits with its photo desires "in the front row"

TOTAL approx. 800.000 photos in the picture archive available via the picturemaxx media network or via our web shop. Due to the takeover of an extensive archive from one of the most renowned german show photographers, our archive have many more exclusive private reports (with over 100.000 motifs) from German top stars.
To gain access to current image data, please log in or register as a new customer.
Fees based on MFM image fees - details on request

2,000 current topics (photos and text) per year (7 days a week) on offer (admission form for our daily mail distribution list of our photo and text offers under menu item "Newsletter"). Custom productions (on request with flash system) also possible.
In case of requirements, the customary delivery conditions apply (see our menu item "AGB´s"). If you do not use the Picturemaxx browser or our Webgate for your image download, we can also send your desired photos via FTP, dropbox, We-Transfer, e-mail, post or courier (overnight).
Many years of experience and good contacts

For nearly 60 years we have been active in the field of celebrity reports all over the world - with over 12 BILLION copies in german and foreign print media!
Our special field: German and international show celebrities since 1968 (privately at home and on travels as well as at work):
Actors and showmasters, singers, music groups, politicians, nobility, athletes, top models, etc. (alphabetically sorted list of names on request).